Designation of the Project:

Cork as a sustainable and added value in the development of multifunctional coatings

No project:


Universidade de Aveiro
Amorim Cork Research & Services, Lda (ACRS)
Universidade de Aveiro
Program funding:

Projeto FCT

Funding incentive:

€ 134,726.00

Description of the project:

This project aims to develop a new multifunctional coating using cork as a filler, optimization of the physical-chemical compatibility of cork with the formulation of used coating, use of cork as a reservoir for corrosion inhibitors and its incorporation in multifunctional coatings and characterization and evaluation of multifunctional coatings developed. The protective activity of these multifunctional coatings was verified by improving the properties of the coating specially the increasing barrier and impermeability to liquids and gases.

Website of the project: